Tag: Thought Leadership / From the CEO

7 results

Series B Announcement

Growth, Unlocked: Our $25M Series B funding round – and a big thank you

We’re thrilled to announce our Series B funding round of $25 million, which will allow us to further expand our team, continue to refine our platform, and develop new and improved opportunities for employee growth and talent management.

Read more: Growth, Unlocked: Our $25M Series B funding round – and a big thank you

GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass on the Happy at Work Podcast

In this episode of the Happy at Work Podcast, our CEO Omer Glass spoke about the impact of one-on-one, specialized career coaching

Read more: GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass on the Happy at Work Podcast
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GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass on Love in Action podcast with Marcel Schwantes

Listen to the inspirational conversation between Omer and Marcel on GrowthSpace’s beginnings, The Great Resignation, and more

Read more: GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass on Love in Action podcast with Marcel Schwantes
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Why the Great Resignation Will End in 2022

GrowthSpace CEO: “Employers should expect the great resignation to slow its pace as heightened retention strategies and human nature take its course.”

Read more: Why the Great Resignation Will End in 2022
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2022 Workplace Predictions from GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass

The workplace has changed dramatically over the past two years. What will the future of work look like in 2022? Our CEO Omer Glass weighs in.

Read more: 2022 Workplace Predictions from GrowthSpace CEO Omer Glass

Edgecrafting: Your Key to Fighting the Great Resignation

Employers need to do something different in the face of The Great Resignation. They need to find creative, standout ways to retain their people.

Read more: Edgecrafting: Your Key to Fighting the Great Resignation
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How We’re Using Our $15M Series A to Bring Out the Greatness in Every Employee

We’re thrilled to announce our $15M Series A funding round that will help us expand our technology to connect employees with relevant experts at scale

Read more: How We’re Using Our $15M Series A to Bring Out the Greatness in Every Employee

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