One platform to personalize, measure, and scale your talent development programs

Discover how Growthspace’s AI technology builds the skills your people need and creates incomparable impact.

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& control

Scalable programs

Skill development that’s precise and personalized to everyone’s unique needs

AI matchmaking, assessment, and co-pilot that levels up precision

Our AI assists in identifying key skills with participants and managers, matches them with top experts, and acts as a co-pilot during sessions enhancing the experience and ensuring precision.

Not a random coach, but the best expert, with the right background and expertise

Growthspace connects your employees with domain experts who are precisely matched based on industry, role, and function.

Fast-track success with development sprints

Individuals and groups focus on one skill with experts during 6-8 week sprints, driving rapid and meaningful progress.

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Take the driver’s seat and stay on the right track

Control the skills your employees work on, and the experts they work with

Select skills for your employees based on their individual needs and your business goals. Then, match them with experts who understand their specific challenges.

Control the experience

Customize the platform’s look, tracked metrics, communications, and the skill taxonomy. It also integrates with your HRIS, Viva Learning, and tools like Slack, Zoom, and Teams, ensuring a seamless experience.

Measure the program’s impact on your KPIs

Measure your program’s impact by targeting key business metrics. Use feedback from participants and managers to ensure you’re achieving the results you want.

Get visibility into every step of the process

Track each employee’s or cohort’s experience, including their focus, progress, and goal achievements, while also gaining insights into how managers perceive their impact.

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Scale your talent development programs

Seamless deployment, at scale

Scaling talent development is tough for any team, but Growthspace simplifies program rollout, regardless of location. The platform also includes marketing tools to engage participants and ensure they’re ready to grow.

A breadth of flexible solutions

Choose from personalized 1:1 upskilling, team coaching, or workshops—each tailored to your unique goals. Mix and match to create the perfect fit for your organization.
Our products>

Built to scale

With a network of over 3000 experts across 
65 countries, the platform supports your global footprint effortlessly.

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Personalized outcomes

Skill development that’s precise and personalized to everyone’s unique needs

AI matchmaking, assessment, and co-pilot that levels up precision

Our AI assists in identifying key skills with participants and managers, matches them with top experts, and acts as a co-pilot during sessions enhancing the experience and ensuring precision.

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Not a random coach, but the best expert, with the right background and expertise

Growthspace connects your employees with domain experts who are precisely matched based on industry, role, and function.

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Fast-track success with development sprints

Individuals and groups focus on one skill with experts during 6-8 week sprints, driving rapid and meaningful progress.

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Visibility & control

Take the driver’s seat and stay on the right track

Control the skills your employees work on, and the experts they work with

Select skills for your employees based on their individual needs and your business goals. Then, match them with experts who understand their specific challenges.

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Control the experience

Customize the platform’s look, tracked metrics, communications, and the skill taxonomy. It also integrates with your HRIS, Viva Learning, and tools like Slack, Zoom, and Teams, ensuring a seamless experience.

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Measure the program’s impact on your KPIs

Measure your program’s impact by targeting key business metrics. Use feedback from participants and managers to ensure you’re achieving the results you want.

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Get visibility into every step of the process

Track each employee’s or cohort’s experience, including their focus, progress, and goal achievements, while also gaining insights into how managers perceive their impact.

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Scalable programs

Scale your talent development programs

Seamless deployment, at scale

Scaling talent development is tough for any team, but Growthspace simplifies program rollout, regardless of location. The platform also includes marketing tools to engage participants and ensure they’re ready to grow.

Try our POP builder

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A breadth of flexible solutions

Choose from personalized 1:1 upskilling, team coaching, or workshops—each tailored to your unique goals. Mix and match to create the perfect fit for your organization.
Our products>

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Built to scale

With a network of over 3000 experts across 
65 countries, the platform supports your global footprint effortlessly.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I know your experts will deliver?

All experts go through a rigorous screening process, in which we verify their credentials and our top experts interview them on their specific area of expertise. But the real validation relies on customer reviews. Experts are rated by customers after each engagement, and their ranking affects their likelihood of being matched. If their ranking goes below 4/5, they’re removed from our pool of experts. We can proudly say that customers rate our experts 4.8/5 on their ability to deliver results.

Are five sessions enough to see real progress?

Yes! To get employee development right, you need focus. That’s why we offer five-session sprints, which we found to be the most effective at achieving a well-defined goal. It’s important to say that what participants get is proportional to what they put in. The experts guide and provide resources, but it’s up to participants to put what they learn into practice.

What skills can employees work on?

Growthspace offers a network of over 2,000 experts with 80+ areas of expertise. Some of the most popular skills are leadership, communication, career planning, productivity, management, client management, and best practice exchange, but there are many (many) more to choose from.

What’s the time commitment required from participants?

A program typically consists of five one-hour sessions over 6-8 weeks. After each session, experts provide resources or assignments that take up to 30 minutes. We also ask participants to provide feedback at the mid-point and end of the program. All in all, it’s a focused program with a limited time commitment.

See Growthspace in action

Discover the Growthspace difference