Growth & collaboration: How Siemens Software enhances employee development with Growthspace

Erin Biehl
Erin Biehl
May 06 2024
4 min read
Growth & collaboration: How Siemens Software enhances employee development with Growthspace


  • Growing need for learning and development opportunities.
  • Enrich learning and development offerings with personal growth opportunities.
  • The necessity for efficient and cost-effective development solutions.

The Growthspace solution

  • Personalized one-on-one development in multiple languages.
  • Precision match of the expert to each participant, based on skill specialization & background. 
  • Short, practical programs providing actionable tools.
  • Easy integration into Siemens’ existing development frameworks, encouraging employee engagement.

“Employee feedback has been overwhelmingly positive… Growthspace’s precise expert matching significantly enhances the coaching experience for everyone involved, and makes them feel we created this experience just for them.” 

—Maytal Rubinstein, Knowledge Management & Learning Lead at Siemens 


Being part of The Operational Excellence team within the Digital Manufacturing segment of Siemens Software, Maytal Rubinstein, focuses on agile and impactful operations, emphasizing the cultivation of a lifelong learning culture. The challenge faced was twofold: a rising demand for professional and personal development among global employees and the need for a solution that offered significant personal growth without extensive time or high financial commitments.

Maytal explains, “We were looking for a solution that will give them a boost and help them develop and increase their skill set and leave them with tools to take it forward.” Growthspace presented itself as an optimal solution, providing targeted, one-on-one skill development sessions tailored to immediate developmental needs.

Integration of Growthspace into the existing Siemens programs was driven by employee initiative, with high leadership support. Maytal emphasizes the importance of ownership, “We offer our employees a rich variety of learning programs, however, we expect team members to be proactive and take ownership and choose their preferred program ” This approach fostered engagement and commitment, crucial for the program’s success.

Working with Growthspace

Siemens has embraced Growthspace’s platform to address its unique talent development needs, focusing on delivering personalized one-on-one sessions that align with both professional and personal growth goals. By encouraging employees to take the initiative in their development, Siemens fosters a culture where proactive learning is not just encouraged but celebrated. To this end, employees work with their direct managers to align their goals with their growth plans. Throughout the 1:1 program, as well as after, both managers and employees provide feedback to ensure goals have been met.

To cater to its diverse global workforce, Siemens and Growthspace provide training, coaching, and mentoring in employees’ native languages, acknowledging and respecting cultural nuances. This tailored approach allows for specific, measurable outcomes such as increased employee satisfaction with development opportunities, which Siemens tracks through regular surveys and Growthspace’s platform.


The results have been notable. Managers now encourage participation, seeing the value in Growthspace for their teams. Maytal shares a key observation: “We’ve seen managers that encourage specific employees to go and pursue this after they had several employees already in the program.“ The key metric Siemens tracks to assess the success of the program is entirely individual: At the beginning of each sprint, the participants define a specific KPI with their managers that they would like to hit after 5 sessions. The results have been extremely high – 85% of the participants achieved the goals they defined at the beginning of the sprint, with an average score of 4.3 out of 5.

93% of the participants reported that the program made them more effective in their day to day, with an average score of 4.4 out of 5.95% of the direct managers of the participants said that they would recommend the program.  Multiple participants highlighted the expert matching and the applicability of the skills learned. One employee shared their experience: “The expert was able to bring out the strength that I didn’t know I had and take the courage to embark on a path that I would not have been able to start alone.” This personalized matching has been critical to the program’s success, ensuring that each participant receives development that resonates with their individual needs and cultural background. Maytal reinforced this by explaining that “Each participant feels that just for them, Growthspace was able to find a really amazing match,” says Maytal. 

Future goals

Looking ahead, Siemens plans to continue and expand its collaboration with Growthspace, exploring workshops to further enhance team dynamics and leadership skills. “Our plans for 2024 and 2025 is to continue with the program because… we see the value, we want to make sure that more people have the opportunity… and access to the program,” Maytal states.

In summarizing the impact of Growthspace on Siemens Maytal highlighted the “growth and collaboration” as the core benefits Siemens has realized through its partnership with Growthspace, emphasizing not just the personal development of its employees but also the enhanced collaborative culture fostered by the program.

About Siemens Digital Industries Software: Siemens Digital Industries Software helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware, and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform. Siemens’ software and the comprehensive digital twin enable companies to optimize their design, engineering, and manufacturing processes to turn today’s ideas into the sustainable products of the future. From chips to entire systems, from product to process, across all industries. Siemens Digital Industries Software – Accelerating transformation.

Erin Biehl
Erin Biehl
Over the past 20 years, Erin Biehl has led teams in the education, hospitality, and technology sectors, excelling in customer success and as a Learning & Development manager. In her L&D role, she designed a leadership framework and developed a comprehensive L&D program for a global company from scratch. Certified as both a DISC and change management facilitator, Erin merges her professional expertise with her academic background, holding a degree in education. Beyond work, her enthusiasm for teaching shines through as a group fitness instructor, specializing in barre and dance classes. Also, a proud mom to her son and two lovable pups, Erin relishes her family life in the beautiful state of Maine

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